
Our book MindShift to a Better Place offers practical insights on self-worth and preventative mental healthcare and is a guide to creating lasting change, healthy self-worth and positive mental health.
Have a look at our Facebook page for inspiration, quotes and weekly stories – The MindShift Foundation
We are also constantly updating our online resource articles that offer ways to cope with issues on topics such as:
- Self-worth: Summary
- Self-worth: Characteristics of Self-Worth
- Self-worth: Causes of Low Self-Worth
- Self-worth: Anxiety
- Self-worth: Depression
- Self-worth: Body Image
- Self-worth: Body Image & Social Media
- Self-worth: Body Image & Health
- Self-worth: Bullying
- Self Worth: Children & Bullying
- Self Worth: Children & Self-Worth
- Self Worth: Cyber bullying
- Self Worth: Social Media
- Self Worth: Relationships
- Self Worth: Relationships & Trust
- Self Worth: Healthy Relationships
- Self Worth: Unhealthy Relationship
- Self Worth: For Employees
- Self Worth: For Employers
- Self Worth: Self Employed
- Self Worth: Peer Pressure
- Self Worth: Mindfulness
- Self Worth: Communicating with Family and Friends
- Self Worth: Treatment Options
- Self Worth: Benefits and Building Healthy Self Worth
- Preparing to see your GP
Don’t forget to save a copy so you can refer back to it often.
We have also established an extensive list of the many other worthwhile community and not-for-profit organisations in Australia who offer targeted assistance with various self-worth related issues.
If you can’t find the topic you are looking for please let us know. We welcome your suggestions.