glass half full – pledge terms & conditions.

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By checking ‘I agree to the Terms’ you agree to all the Terms & Conditions detailed in the Pledge Terms and Conditions document, including to grant permission to use your submitted avatar and Pledge on a public website.

Pledge Terms and Conditions

By creating a “Glass Half Full” Pledge, you agree to the following conditions:

  1. Ticking the box stating that you agree to the terms and conditions on the Pledge page is deemed acceptance of all the terms and conditions below.
  2. Users will not use this site or their Pledge for any purpose, or in any way, which is unlawful, cruel, mean or disrespectful to anyone.
  3. When you submit content to The MindShift Foundation in any format, including any text and photographs, you grant The MindShift Foundation a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual licence to publish, transmit or otherwise use that content in any way, now and in the future (including on social media).
  4. The MindShift Foundation reserves the right not to use or publish the content you submit.
  5. When you submit your content, you agree that you have all of the necessary rights, including copyright, in the content you contribute, that your content is not defamatory and that it does not infringe any law.
  6. When you create your Pledge you confirm that all persons appearing in any images of text have consented to you submitting the photo as part of this campaign, including to Mind Shift’s right to use the material.
  7. You indemnify The MindShift Foundation against any and all legal fees, damages and other expenses that may be incurred by The MindShift Foundation as a result of a breach of the above.
  8. Participation is open to everyone.